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The reflection of apricot blossom

The reflection of apricot blossom

lingerie collage on silk, LED(light box) 74.5x54.7cm 2018

The reflection of orchid

The reflection of orchid

lingerie collage on silk, LED(light box) 40x84.5cm 2018

The reflection of chrysanthemum

The reflection of chrysanthemum

lingerie collage on silk, LED(light box) 62.6cm 2018

The reflection of bamboo

The reflection of bamboo

lingerie collage on silk, LED(light box) 74.5x52cm 2018

The reflection of Four Gracious Plants - installation view

The reflection of chrysanthemum - installation view

春映 ;  exposure - 春水滿四澤

春映 ; exposure - 春水滿四澤

The reflection of spring ; exposure light off

春映 ;  exposure - 春水滿四澤

春映 ; exposure - 春水滿四澤

The reflection of spring ; exposure Lingerie on silk, acrylic panel, LED 95x37.5cm 2015

夏映 ; exposure - 夏雲多奇峰

夏映 ; exposure - 夏雲多奇峰

The reflection of summer ; exposure Lingerie on silk, acrylic panel, LED 75.7x63.6cm 2015

秋映 ; exposure - 秋月揚明輝

秋映 ; exposure - 秋月揚明輝

The reflection of fall ; exposure light off

秋映 ; exposure - 秋月揚�明輝

秋映 ; exposure - 秋月揚明輝

The reflection of fall ; exposure Lingerie on silk, acrylic panel, LED 95x37.5cm 2015

冬映 ; exposure - 冬嶺秀孤松

冬映 ; exposure - 冬嶺秀孤松

The reflection of winter ; exposure light off

冬映 ; exposure - 冬嶺秀孤松

冬映 ; exposure - 冬嶺秀孤松

The reflection of winter ; exposure Lingerie on silk, acrylic panel, LED 95x37.5cm 2015

朝映 ; exposure

朝映 ; exposure

lingerie on silk, acrylic panel, LED 76.3x64.2cm 2016

夕映 ; exposure

夕映 ; exposure

lingerie on silk, acrylic panel, LED 95x37.5cm 2016

Copyright© Yongwon Kim. All Rights Reserved

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